Website Privacy Policy

Last modified: February 19th, 2024

Your Privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy is intended to tell you how we use personal information we collect about you on this website.

This Privacy Policy only applies to the personal information that you provided to us or that is collected through your use of this website,, operated by i-PRO Co., Ltd. (the "Website"). If you provide your personal information in i-PRO individual services or use other websites operated by its affiliates or subsidiaries, they have their own privacy policies or notices. Please review the individual privacy policies or notices when you use i-PRO individual services or other websites.

1. Who are we?

i-PRO Co., Ltd. having its registered office at 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (hereinafter, "i-PRO", "we", "us" or "our").

We have a number of Affiliates whose information can be found here.

2. What is Personal Information?

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Information" consists of any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual (such as you). For example, information which identifies you may consist of your name, address, telephone number, and online identifier (e.g. cookies and your IP address). Information which does not identify you on its own but that we link to you also qualifies as Personal Information.

3. What Personal Information do we collect about you?

A. Personal Information you provide directly about yourself

Some Websites we offer enable/require you to give us your Personal Information.

  1. When you communicate with i-PRO
    When you contact us or interact with our customer support representatives, we may collect Personal Information about you, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, email address and contact preferences, and we may also collect information about the i-PRO products or devices you own, such as their serial numbers and date of purchase. We also may create logs/reports that are useful in diagnosing product or application performance-related issues, and capture information relating to the issue. We use this information to provide you with customer and product support.
  2. Subscriptions and newsletters
    Where you subscribe to our promotional communications and newsletters, we will collect Personal Information including your email address. We will only provide such subscription services to you in accordance with applicable laws and where you have expressly requested us to do so.
  3. Essential Cookies
    These cookies are essential to make our website work or to provide necessary functions relating to the services you request or to enable communications. They allow us to provide you with a seamless internet experience. We also use them for security purposes.

B. Information about your use of the Websites

We may collect information about your use of the Websites. For example, we collect:

  1. Product/device information - such as unique device identifiers, IP address, operating system details, and settings of the device you use to access the Websites;
  2. Log information - such as the time and duration of your use of the Websites, search query terms you enter through the Websites, and any information stored in cookies that we have set on your device (such as your pc, mobile phone or tablet).

4. On what legal basis do we process Personal Information?

We are not allowed to process Personal Information if we cannot rely on a valid legal ground. Therefore, we will only process your Personal Information:

  1. When you communicate with i-PRO - We will only process your Personal Data when the processing is necessary to perform our contractual obligations towards you or to take pre-contractual steps at your request.
  2. Essential cookies - We rely on our legitimate interests for processing personal data collected through our first-party essential cookies.

5. Why do we use your Personal Information?

We may use the Personal Information we collect for the following purposes:

  1. When you communicate with i-PRO - to provide our Services or any specific feature that you may request, including to enable us to fulfil our obligations under any contract with you.
  2. Essential cookies - to make our website work or to provide necessary functions relating to the services you request or to enable communications. They allow us to provide you with a seamless internet experience.  We also use them for security purposes.

6. To whom and where do we disclose your Personal Information?

We will not disclose your Personal Information to third parties for their own independent marketing or business purposes without your consent. However, we may disclose your Personal Information to the following entities:

A. Third party recipients of the Personal Information

We may disclose your information to the following entities:

  1. i-PRO Affiliates
    We may need to transfer your Personal Information to other i-PRO Affiliates to provide the services you require or any other assistance you request.
  2. Service Providers
    We use third party service providers to help us to administer certain activities and services on our behalf, such as sending emails and text messages (such as SMS), providing advertisements, analyzing usage of our Websites, tracking effectiveness of our marketing campaigns, allowing users to connect to their social network and providing customer support services. We share Personal Information about you with such third party service providers solely for the purpose of enabling them to perform services on our behalf and they will operate only in accordance with our instructions. Here are examples of third party service providers we use: Email Service Providers – Cloud services are used to assist us in sending emails to you in accordance with your marketing preferences;
  3. Analytics Service Providers – analytics providers are used to assist us in understanding the usage of our Websites, to enable us to improve our Websites. For further information, see our Cookie Policy.
  4. Third parties when required by Law or to Protect our Websites
    We will disclose your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws or to respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; to protect our customers (e.g. to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of our Websites); to operate and maintain the security of our Websites (e.g. to prevent or stop an attack on our systems or networks); or to protect the rights or property of i-PRO, including enforcing any terms or agreements governing the use of our Websites.
  5. Other Parties in Connection With Corporate Transactions
    We may disclose your Personal Information to a third party (or other i-PRO Affiliate) as part of a reorganization, merger, transfer, sale, joint venture, assignment or other disposition of all or any portion of i-PRO's business, assets or stock, including, without limitation, in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding.
  6. Other Parties With Your Consent or At Your Direction
    We may share Personal Information about you with third parties when you consent to or request such sharing.

Cookie Policy

B. International Transfer of Personal Information

The Personal Information that we collect from you may be stored and processed in your region, or transferred to, stored at or otherwise processed outside your region, including but not limited to Japan or in any other country and where i-PRO or its Affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers maintain facilities.

Where we transfer your Personal Information outside your region, we will ensure that suitable safeguards such as appropriate agreements and mechanisms are in place to help ensure that our third party service providers provide an adequate level of protection to your Personal Information.

7. What do we do to keep your Personal Information secure?

i-PRO has put in place appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures to keep the Personal Information we collect on our Websites secure. These measures take into account:

A. General

  1. the state of the art of the technology;
  2. the costs of its implementation;
  3. the nature of the Information; and
  4. the risk of the processing.

The purpose thereof is to protect against accidental or unlawful destruction or alteration, accidental loss, unauthorized disclosure or access and against other unlawful forms of processing.

However, please note that although we take appropriate steps to protect your Personal Information, no website, product, device, online application or transmission of Information, computer system or wireless connection is completely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information.

B. Other security measures
Information security, including the protection of Personal Information, is organized in a global i-PRO Program called “Information Security Management” (ISM). The related aim, standards and implementation measures are organized in globally valid policy, standards and guidelines. All central European IT systems are externally assessed and fall under the information security management rules applicable under ISO 27001 certification. The program in all its parts follows a strong yearly PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach to secure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all data (including your Personal Data) for the whole information lifecycle from collection to destruction of such data.

8. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

  1. What are your rights?
    i-PRO will collect, store and process your Personal Information in accordance with your rights under any applicable laws.
    Your rights include the right to access a copy of your Personal Information, the right to request the correction or the update of any inaccurate Personal Information and the right to object to the processing of your Personal Information under the conditions set out in applicable laws.
    You also have the right to request the erasure of your Personal Information, and where you have consented to the processing of your Personal Information, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time (without this withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to such withdrawal). In addition, you also have the right to data portability in certain cases. This is the right to request the return of the Personal Information you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to request the transmission of such Personal Information to a third party, without hindrance from us and subject to your own confidentiality obligations.
  2. Exercising your rights
    If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us by using any of the communication means described in the individual Privacy Policy or Notice in each Service you provide your personal information.
  3. Complaints
    If you are not satisfied with how we process your Personal Information, you may contact us using any of the communication means described in the individual privacy policies or notices or alternatively you may file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, in addition to your rights outlined above.

EEA/EU authorities: Members | European Data Protection Board (

United Kingdom (UK): Make a complaint | ICO

9. How long do we store your Personal Information

We will retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which your Personal Information has been collected as outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required by law. When your Personal Information is no longer required for the purpose it was collected or as required by applicable law, it will be deleted in accordance with applicable law.

10. Third party links and products on our Websites

Our Websites may contain links to other third party websites that are not operated by i-PRO, and our Websites may contain applications that you can download from third parties. These linked sites are not under i-PRO's control and as such, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any linked websites and online applications. If you choose to use any third party websites or applications, any Personal Information collected by the third party’s website or application will be subject to any existing privacy policy of that third party. We strongly recommend that you take the time to review the privacy policies of any third parties to which you provide Personal Information.

11. Cookies

This Websites uses cookies to store your preferences and settings and to analyze your browsing experience on our Websites. For further information on what cookies are, how i-PRO and other third parties use them, and for details of how cookies can be disabled, please see our Cookie Policy.  Cookie Policy.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

i-PRO may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. The "Last modified" at the top of this page states when the Policy was last modified and any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised Privacy Policy.

We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent. We will provide this notice by email or by posting notice of the changes on the i-PRO website or through any relevant Services.

13. Further Information

If you have any questions regarding the collection, processing, or use of your Personal Information, please contact us using any of the communication means described in the individual privacy policies or notices in each service.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us by mail below:
2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan

If you have questions about privacy protection in Europe, please contact us at:
Laarderhoogtweg 25, 1101 EB, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

Or via email :

If you have questions about privacy protection in the UK, please contact us at:


1010 Cambourne Business Park

Cambridgeshire CB23 6DP


Or by email :


CPRA Appendix

Last modified: February 19th, 2024

This CPRA Appendix complements the Website Privacy Policy and tells you what your rights and our obligations are in relation to the processing of your Personal Information in accordance with the California Privacy Rights Act (the “CPRA”). If there is any discrepancy between the terms of this CPRA Appendix and those of Website Privacy Policy, this CPRA Appendix will prevail.
We may change this CPRA Appendix from time to time. The “Last modified” mention at the top of this page states when the CPRA Appendix was last updated and any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised CPRA Appendix to the extent permitted by applicable laws. Where required by the CPRA or other applicable law, we will request your consent to any such changes. We will provide the revised CPRA Appendix by email or by posting notice of the changes on our website or through any relevant Services.

1. What is Personal Information?

For the purposes of this CPRA Appendix, "Personal Information" means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. For example, Personal Information includes, but is not limited to, audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information or inferences drawn from other Personal Information to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer's preferences, characteristics, psychological trends among other things.

2. What Personal Information did we collect about you in the preceding 12 months?

 - Categories of Personal Information collected

 - Your name, email address, company name

 - Essential cookies

3. On which legal basis do we process Personal Information?

We process Personal Information of residents in California in compliance with the CPRA. If we are to use your Personal Information for purposes other than the purposes we notified on or before collecting your Personal Information, we will notify the new purposes to you and obtain your express consent.

4. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

A.What are your rights?

(1)  Your rights under the CPRA include: the right to know about your Personal Information that we collect, use, disclose; the right to request the deletion of your Personal Information; the right to limit the use of your Sensitive Personal Information; and the right to request corrections to your Personal Information.

(2) We will not unreasonably discriminate against you for exercising the rights such as the right to know about Personal Information under the CPRA by using methods including but not limited to the following:

I. Denying to provide goods or services to you

II.  Charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or by imposing penalties

III. Providing a different level or quality of goods or services to you

IV. Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services

B. Exercising your rights (right to know and right to request the deletion of your Personal Information)

If you wish to exercise the right to know, the right to request the deletion of your Personal Information, the right to limit the use of your Sensitive Personal Information, or the right to request corrections to your Personal Information under the rights of A(1) above, please contact us by using the following means in addition to the communication means described in the Website Privacy Policy. Upon receiving your request to exercise such rights, we will require you to submit your name and e-mail address in order to verify your identity.

I. By online request form

We will confirm receipt of your request to exercise your rights within 10 business days in the same manner in which the request was received and provide information about how we will process the request and the limit of our response. We will respond to requests to know and requests to delete within 45 days, and if we exceed the period, we will notify you and respond within 90 days from the day that we receive the request. If we cannot verify your request within the 45-day time period, we may not process your request.

We will record your request and store it for 24 months.

If you use an authorized agent to submit a request to know or a request to delete, the authorized agent is required to submit to us written permission proving the authorized agent is permitted to do so and the authorized agent’s own identity verification document(s).

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

We have not and will not disclose your Personal Information to any third party for business purposes.

6. Sale of Personal Information

We have not and will not sell your Personal Information to any third party.
For the purposes of this CPRA Appendix, “sell” means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, your Personal Information by us to another business or a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration.

7. Share of Personal Information

We have not and will not share your Personal Information to any third party.
For the purposes of this CPRA Appendix, “share" means sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, your Personal Information by us to another business or a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration.  

8. Children's Personal Information

We do not sell Personal Information of anyone under the age of 16.

9. Contact Information

You may contact us with questions or concerns about this CPRA Appendix and your choices and rights under CPRA at:

Company name: i-PRO Company
Company address: 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan