i-PRO Global Environmental Policy
i-PRO Group*1 (hereinafter, i-PRO) contributes to the security and safety of society, aims to be a company that continues to create new value, and strives to conserve the global environment through its business activities.
The i-PRO Global Environmental Policy (hereinafter, this Policy) expresses i-PRO’s attitude towards initiatives for environmental protection, in accordance with its corporate Code of Conduct, which was established based on the purpose and vision that we pursue.
1. Fundamental Approach
i-PRO strives to continuously improve its environmental management systems with the aim to realize a sustainable society through its business activities, in order to fulfill its social responsibility as a company.
i-PRO complies with laws, regulations, ordinances, and agreements related to the environment, strives to protect the environment as well as prevent environmental pollution by establishing environmental targets, and will work to contribute to the local community.
i-PRO also supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) as a corporate signatory to the UNGC.
2. Scope of Application
i-PRO applies this Policy to all of its officers*2 and employees*3 and requires them to comply with this Policy. i-PRO also encourages to ensure the understanding and support for this Policy from all of its customers, business partners, and suppliers worldwide, as well as all stakeholders directly related to i-PRO’s business, products, and services.
3. Initiatives
i-PRO engages in the following initiatives. i-PRO will work hard on correction through appropriate procedures in the unlikely event that we are being found to have caused or to have been involved in causing, negative impact on these initiatives.
(1) CO2 Emissions
i-PRO endeavors to reduce carbon emissions by creating and providing environmentally friendly products and services, lowering power consumption of our products, and energy saving efforts at offices and factories during operating hours, in order to realize a low-carbon society.
(2) Resources
i-PRO strives to effectively use resources utilized in business activities and to control waste disposal, towards a recycling-oriented society.
(3) Harmful Substances
i-PRO strives to appropriately manage chemical substances contained in products and used in manufacturing activities in order to protect the environment and to prevent environmental pollution.
4. Dialog and Discussion
i-PRO engages in dialog and discussion with all related stakeholders regarding the handling of potential or actual impacts on the environment. i-PRO takes the opinions and wishes obtained through dialog with stakeholders seriously, strives to understand their true nature, and to respond promptly and in good faith.
i-PRO establishes its i-PRO Global whistleblowing system. Such consultations and reports are taken seriously, while guaranteeing the confidentiality regarding the fact and details of consultations/complaints, and we do not allow unfair treatment of, or reprisals against, the person who initiated the consultation/complaint, nor people who cooperate in investigations.
5. Education and Training
i-PRO will reflect this Policy in the necessary procedures and provide appropriate education and training to all officers and employees in an effort to ensure that it becomes established throughout our business activities.
6. Officer in Charge
i-PRO clarifies the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the ultimate person responsible over initiatives for environmental protection, and its Chief Quality Officer (CQO) is the person responsible for the execution of these initiatives.
i-PRO’s Board of Directors are responsible for supervision of the direction on dealing with environmental issues and its initiatives as well as the status of the compliance.
7. Disclosure
i-PRO discloses this Policy on its website.
This Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors on March 29, 2024.
April 01, 2024
i-PRO Co., Ltd
Representative Director, Chairperson of the Board
& Chief Executive Officer,
Masato Nakao
*1 i-PRO Group refers to i-PRO Co., Ltd., and its affiliated subsidiaries.
*2 Officers refers to directors, auditors, and persons equivalent.
*3 Employees refers to persons engaged in the work of the company, including full-time, temporary, contract, agency dispatch, part-time, and casual employees.
Green Procurement
i-PRO will promote environmentally friendly procurement initiatives based on the Green Procurement Standards. We would like to request our suppliers to continue to support and cooperation with our green procurement initiatives.
Promotion of Green Products and Green Factory
i-PRO is working to continuously reduce CO2 emissions, waste volumes, and chemical substance emissions during activities at business sites and factories in order to develop and manufacture environmentally friendly products. In particular, we manage chemical substances as follows.
Chemical Substance Management
■Management of Chemical Substances in Products
i-PRO strictly observes domestic and international environmental regulations, and works to procure materials with low environmental impact with the cooperation of our business partners.
■Management of Chemical Substances at Factories
i-PRO strictly observes domestic and foreign environmental regulations, selects chemical substances that have harmful effects on human health and the environment, and conducts production activities with consideration for safety and environmental impact.
■Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines
i-PRO publishes "Chemical Substance Management Rank Guidelines" that stipulate prohibited and controlled substances in products and factories, and requests suppliers to comply with them as necessary.
The "Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines (For Products)" prohibit the use of chemical substances (environmentally hazardous substances) contained in raw materials, parts, etc. that make up products manufactured and sold by i-PRO, and require management. The purpose of this is to clarify the substances that are considered hazardous substances, to ensure thorough awareness within our company and to our suppliers, and to improve the environmental quality of our products.
The “prohibited substances” and “controlled substances” specified in the “Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines (For Products)” correspond to the chemSHERPA control substances. For chemSHERPA declarable substances and explanations, please refer to the manual included in the chemSHERPA data creation support tool (latest version) posted on the chemSHERPA website below (top page → data creation support (tools, etc.)).