i-PRO Code of Conduct
1) Corporate Governance

Governance Systems
i-PRO creates the necessary corporate governance systems in order to achieve timely and transparent management.
Appropriate Accounts Processing and Reporting
i-PRO strives for accuracy in accounting records and financial reporting that accompany its business activities and does not engage in deliberate falsification or falsifying conduct.
We comply with taxation laws in the countries and regions where we do business and with international rules, and pay taxes in each country and region in which we operate.
Internal Controls
i-PRO preserves accurate and reasonable work-related records and implements management and supervision aimed at regular examination of the effectiveness and improvement of internal control systems.
Whistleblowing System
i-PRO establishes a whistleblowing system including a hotline available for reporting and consultation/complaints regarding violations of company standards and internal policy, or of related laws and ordinances. Such consultations and reports are taken seriously, while guaranteeing the confidentiality regarding the fact and details of consultations/complaints, and we do not allow unfair treatment of, or reprisals against, the person who initiated the consultation/complaint, nor people who cooperate in investigations.
Business Continuity
i-PRO identifies, evaluates and makes improvements to address major risks that would seriously impact the business, and formulates and implements a business continuity plan (“BCP”) that compiles response actions for emergency situations.
In the unlikely event of a major risk arising, we will take a cross-divisional response based on this plan, etc., striving to achieve rapid restoration of our business base and to minimize the impact on stakeholders.
Intellectual Property
i-PRO guards assets related to intellectual property in order to maximize leverage of the value that it produces, and fulfills its responsibility for their use appropriately.
We respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and do our utmost not to infringe upon them, while also taking appropriate measures in response to the infringement of i-PRO’s intellectual property rights by third parties.
2) Risk Management

Deterrence of the Actions of Antisocial Forces
i-PRO has absolutely no involvement with antisocial forces.
Terrorism-related Crisis Management
In the event of the occurrence of any type of terrorism, including cyber-terrorism, i-PRO aims at rapid restoration of social infrastructure and strives to minimize the impact on customers and stakeholders.
Natural Disaster-related Crisis Management
i-PRO strives to build and bolster its organizational crisis management system to respond to natural disasters such as earthquake, tsunami and flood in order to ensure the safety of employees and continuation of business activities.
3) Compliance

Compliance with Competition Laws
i-PRO competes independently and fairly. We will not engage in illegal acts or use questionable means to obtain an advantage over rival companies.
Appropriate Business Transactions
i-PRO pledges to always be fair and honest in its dealings with customers and business partners, and will not engage in business dealings that are unfair or that deceive customers. We will properly communicate our sales policies and the details of transactions with customers, and will keep our promises.
Prohibition of Money Laundering
i-PRO complies with all anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism laws worldwide, will not be intentionally involved in money laundering, terror-related activities, or other organized crime, and takes adequate care in all processes of business dealings to ensure that the company is not used in such crime.
In all of the countries and regions where i-PRO engages in business, we will not offer money or goods such as services, gifts, or entertainment, etc. beyond the scope of internal policy, nor anything else of benefit, to public officials, and maintains highly transparent relations. We prohibit bribery and corruption in any form regardless of where we do business. At the same time, in private business transactions, we will not offer or receive money or goods such as gifts, or entertainment, or other benefits, beyond the scope of internal policy, for the purpose of obtaining inappropriate gains.
Prohibition of Conflict-of-Interest Transactions
i-PRO is aware of its responsibility to avoid conflicts of interest that could harm the fairness of execution of its business duties. We will not engage in conduct that brings the interests of the company and our personal interests or individual gains into conflict. We will not inappropriately use company assets, property, information, or position to benefit ourselves, our relatives, friends, or acquaintances.
Security Export Control
i-PRO does not export products or related technologies that would hinder maintenance of international peace and security.
In regards to export transactions, we sufficiently confirm the identity and business operations of business partners, undertaking security-based export control to ensure that exported cargo and technology provided is not used in the development or manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.
We undertake careful consideration of the feasibility of transactions in relation to cargo and technology export transactions regulated by relevant laws and ordinances, and take the necessary procedures in accordance with the relevant laws and ordinances.
Export and Import Regulation Management
i-PRO undertakes appropriate export and import customs procedures in accordance with related laws and ordinances.
We will not export goods whose export is prohibited nor import goods whose import is prohibited.