i-PRO Code of Conduct

Environmental Policy
i-PRO strives to continuously improve its environmental management systems with the aim to realize a sustainable society through its business activities, in order to fulfill its social responsibility as a company.
We enhance the awareness of employees towards environmental issues through education and training, and comply with laws, regulations, and ordinances and agreements related to the environment.
CO2 Emissions
i-PRO endeavors to reduce carbon emissions by striving to create and provide environmentally friendly products and services, lowering product power consumption and through energy saving at offices and plants during operating times, towards the realization of a low-carbon society.
i-PRO strives to effectively use resources used in business activities and to control emission of waste products, towards a recycling-oriented society.
Harmful Substances
i-PRO strives to appropriately manage chemical substances contained in products and used in manufacturing activities in order to protect the environment and to prevent environmental pollution.